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Effectiveness of health education on behaviour on diabetic care among rural adult diabetic patients -- a pilot analysis

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Diabetes claims the lives of about one million Indians each year. According to the Indian Heart Association, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes in India would rise the most by 2030. The increasing frequency is linked to a combination of genetic vulnerability and the growing middle class in India's adoption of a high-calorie, low-activity lifestyle. Pretest, patients had 7.88behaviour score and in posttest they had 12.00behaviour score, like a result, the average score difference is4.12, difference is huge and it is statistically significant behaviour gain score, The student's paired 't'test was used to determine statistical significance. The relationship between post-test behaviour and patient demographic characteristics. Above primary level educated patients and>10 years duration of illness patients are having more favorable behavior score than others. It was confirmed using chi square test and Yates corrected chi square test. This study concludes by proving the effectiveness of health education on behaviour on diabetic care among diabetic patients


C. Jegatha, V. Hemavathy Effectiveness of health education on behaviour on diabetic care among rural adult diabetic patients -- a pilot analysis. Cardiometry; No.26 February 2023; p.-; DOI: .; Available from:


Diabetic,  Behavior,  Rural,  Sample,  Disease
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