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Effect of Dual Task Training, Gait Training and Vestibular Rehabilitation on Balance and Quality of Life in Post Stroke Adults


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effectiveness of dual task training, gait training and vestibular rehabilitation on balance and quality of life in post stroke adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This Pilot study was carried out on 45 post stroke participants both male and female who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were recruited for the study with age group between 40 to 60 years from out-patient physiotherapy department of Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, Deemed to beUniversity. The subjects were randomly assigned into 3 groups, each group consisting of 15 subjects. Group A received dual task training for thrice a week of 45 minutes per session for 4 weeks. Group B received gait training program for thrice a week of 30 minutes per session for 6 weeks. Group C received Cawthorne and Cooksey exercises of vestibular rehabilitation for thrice a week of 60 minutes per session for 8 weeks. The outcome measures used were Global Quality of Life Scale (GQOL) and Berg Balance Scale (BBS). RESULT: When the mean values of GroupA, Group B and Group C were compared on GQOL and BBS scale revealed significant increase in the post test mean value with Group C showing 87 and 55 on GQOL and BBS respectively, which was higher than Group A mean values 84.1, 52.33 and followed by Group B mean value 80, 53.3 at p ≤ 0.001. Hence, Group C which received vestibular rehabilitation was more effective than other groups.


VEENA KIRTHIKA S, SELVARAJ SUDHAKARM P.T., NANDHINI B., RAMALAKSHMI K., ANNIE JANET M., CARLIN JERSHA RACHEL J, SENTHIL SELVAM P Effect of Dual Task Training, Gait Training and Vestibular Rehabilitation on Balance and Quality of Life in Post Stroke Adults . Cardiometry; No.26 February 2023; p.-; DOI: .; Available from:


Stroke,  Vestibular rehabilitation,  Berg balance scale,  Gait training
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