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A study to assess the physiological and biochemical effects of online gaming among children

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AIM: the present study aims to assess the physiological and biochemical effects of online gaming among children at veepampattu. METHODS AND MATERIALS : A quantitative research design was used for the present study. A total 60 samples were collected using convenience sampling technique. The demographic variable was assessed by structured questionarie , and pretest, posttest of physiological and biochemical effect was assessed by monitoring the blood pressure and blood glucose levels and samples were exposed to cognitive reconstructive therapy followed by that data was gathered and analyzed . RESULTS : the results the study revealed that there is a significant association between level of physiological effect with selected demographic at the level of p<0.01 conclusion: Thus, the present despites that factors associated with level of physiological effect with selected demographic.


Linda Xavier, Shalini T.. A study to assess the physiological and biochemical effects of online gaming among children. Cardiometry; Issue 25; December 2022; p.220-225; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.25.220225; Available from:


Online gaming,  Children,  Bio chemical
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