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Prediction analysis of novel random forest algorithm and k nearest neighbor algorithm in heart disease prediction with an improved accuracy rate


Aim: Coronary illness is one of the main sources of mortality in this current world. A basic test in the field of clinical information assessment is the expectation of cardiovascular infection. The fundamental target of this paper is to work on the exactness of the Data mining algorithms being used to improve heart disease prediction. We will be comparing the novel Random forest with K Nearest Neighbor to find out which of these can give us the best accuracy. Material and Methods: The study used 98 samples with Novel Random Forest and K Nearest Neighbor is executed with varying training and testing splits for predicting the accuracy for heart disease prediction with the 80% of G-power value and data about cardiovascular disease was gathered from numerous web sources, including latest research findings and threshold 0.05%, confidence interval 95% mean and standard deviation. The performance of the accuracy rate of the classifiers is examined using the heart disease dataset.. There was a statistical insignificant difference among Innovative Random Forest and K Nearest Neighbor p = 0.484 (p>0.05). Results and Discussion: The accuracy of predicting heart disease in Novel Random Forest 90.16% and K Nearest Neighbor 67.21% is obtained. Conclusion: Prediction of Heart disease using the innovative Random Forest (RF) technique appears to be a significant improvement over the K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm in terms of accuracy.


T Poojitha, Mahaveerakannan R. Prediction Analysis of Novel Random Forest Algorithm and K Nearest Neighbor Algorithm in Heart Disease Prediction with an Improved Accuracy Rate. Cardiometry; Issue 25; December 2022; p.1554-1561; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.25.15541561; Available from:


Machine Learning,   Novel Random Forest,   K Nearest Neighbor,   Coronary Disease,   Prediction,   Classification
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