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Predictability of gestational diabetes mellitus using first trimester Serum uric acid levels


Introduction: For both mothers and fetuses, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) causes major morbidity and mortality in the Indian population. In pregnancy, serum uric acid levels are higher. Elevated first-trimester uric acid levels can be used to predict GDM. Study Design: In 1055 plasma samples taken at a mean gestational age of 9 ±2.1 weeks, uric acid was determined. The three-hour glucose tolerance test used to identify GDM as the main outcome. Results: The percentage of GDM was significantly high among the higher age group with 19.2% among 30-35 years of age and 25.8% among 35-40 years of age. With almost 35% of cases, GDM was most prevalent in the obese category. Among 348 patients with a confirmed family background of diabetes mellitus, 19.5% of pregnant women developed GDM. Uric acid levels were found significantly higher among GDM subjects both in first and second trimesters than in non-GDM subjects. Additionally, both normal and GDM individuals, serum uric acid levels were observed to be significantly greater in the second trimester than the first. Conclusion: First trimester hyperuricemia is linked to a higher chance of developing GDM.


Prabhat, Anju Jain, Rahul Saxena, Jyoti Batra, Suyash Saxena. Predictability of gestational diabetes mellitus using first trimester Serum uric acid levels. Cardiometry; Issue 25; December 2022; p.1401-1404; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.25.14011404; Available from:


Gestational diabetes,  First trimester,  Hyperuricemia,  Uric acid
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