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Management students perspective and preferences towards flexible learning during COVID-19 pandemic in India

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The World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus (COVID-19) as a global health emergency in January, which has impacted different sectors worldwide. The education sector in India and worldwide is no exception, as the current health crisis and lockdown regulations disrupted the educational learning system. Educational institutions have slowly acclimatized to digital learning platforms to minimize the impact of the pandemic on education. Even the post-graduate students in India have also moved to the virtual mode of learning. Accessible technologies have made it possible for the students to step gradually to flexible learning. Flexible learning is learner-centered, giving independence and encouraging flexibility in the time, mode, evaluations, academic and personal excellence, and study location. AIM: This research aims to analyze management students' perception towards flexible learning methodology for self-development and active learning in times of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in India. METHODOLOGY: A self-administered online structured questionnaire was drafted and sent to 410 management students. The research is based on methods of quantitative analysis from the students pursuing an MBA. The survey data is mainly based on the factors that motivate and enhances management student's participation in flexible learning. RESULT: A total of 244 management students responded to the questionnaire. The study highlights that five main factors are important for the management students to lead them to an effective way of learning regarding flexibility dimensions: resources, content, delivery, time, and pedagogy.


Aakriti Singh, Rahul Dhaigude, Gagan Rajendra Mandavkar. MANAGEMENT STUDENTS' PERSPECTIVE AND PREFERENCES TOWARDS FLEXIBLE LEARNING DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN INDIA. Cardiometry; Issue 25; December 2022; p.536-547; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.25.536547; Available from:


COVID-19,  Flexible learning,  Virtual learning,  Education,  Management students,  Coronavirus
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