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Impact, capabilities, and credibility of video assistant referee in football/soccer


The penetration of technology & media advances into football has improved referees' choices on contestable objectives. This paper analyzes the reception of Video Assistant Referees (VAR) and Goal Line Technology (GLT), and how the understanding of the correspondence between arbitrators influences the result of the games. In this study, we take a few examples of use cases where VAR has given major yet confusing decisions that drastically affected the match's outcome. This investigation is planned for investigating the informative frame of reference for off-field and on-field referees. Decision-making is a critical aspect of soccer. As small as a third division match to as big as a world cup final, one wrong decision on the part of the on-field referee can change the match's outcome. Therefore, this exploration attempts to build up whether the dissemination of computerized media innovation into football administering has to ban human mistakes and goofs imagined in simple pitch and officials, subsequently setting the glue for negligible blunders in the present-day period advanced and digital officiating.


Sayan Das, Madhavi Damle. Impact, capabilities, and credibility of video assistant referee in football/soccer. Cardiometry; Issue 25; December 2022; p.307-314; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.25.307314; Available from:


VAR,  Football,  Technology,  Goal Line Technology,  Referee,  Goal,  Offside
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