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Effects of country of origin on imported cosmetics and skincare products in India

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The county of origin research has studied the influence of a product's origination on a buyer's impression. According to the literature, the country-of-origin effect would lead Indian consumers to choose domestic cosmetics and skincare goods over imported cosmetics and skincare products. Age and gender are taken into account to see how they affect the COO and other factors in the research. The study's goal was to get 266 active surveys. SPSS 21.0 was used to analyze the data. To assess consideration, factor analysis was carried out using a t-test and a one-way ANOVA. The findings revealed a flimsy beneficial influence on Indian individuals' views and thinking of foreign products. The study's conceptual and pragmatic inference is proven by making suggestions for additional investigation. Cosmetics are becoming increasingly important for women and men worldwide as the need for beauty and personal care grows in modern life. This study provided an overview of the influence of extrinsic signals linked to cosmetic goods such as brand, price, and country-of-origin (COO) on female customers and the cosmetic business in Vietnam, based on papers with relevant theories and literature. The information might be used to develop a model or framework for future consumer behaviour research.


Tripty Shokeen, Pravin Kumar Bhoyar. EFFECTS OF COUNTRY OF ORIGIN ON IMPORTED COSMETICS AND SKINCARE PRODUCTS IN INDIA. Cardiometry; Issue 25; December 2022; p.633-644; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.25.633644; Available from:


Country of Origin (COO),  Consumer attitude,  Purchase intension,  Purchase decision,  Conceptual interfac
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