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Analyzing Chest X-Ray Lung Images Using Machine Learning

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Malignancy is one of the dangerous sicknesses across numerous nations. In any case, malignant growth can be restored, whenever recognized at a beginning phase. Analysts are dealing with medical care for early identification and avoidance of malignant growth. Clinical information has arrived at its most extreme potential by giving specialists enormous informational indexes gathered from everywhere the globe. In the current situation, Machine Learning has been broadly utilized in the space of malignancy analysis and guess. Endurance examination might help in the expectation of the beginning stage of sickness, backslide, re-event of infections and biomarker recognizable proof. Uses of ML and data mining strategies in clinical field are as of now the broadest in disease recognition and endurance examination. In this paper, various approaches to distinguish and foresee cellular breakdown in the lungs from the chest X-ray images by utilizing hybrid Machine learning calculations which incorporates Support Vector Machine and ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) and graph theory. Near investigation of different ML procedures and advances has been done over various kinds of information like clinical information, omics information, picture information and so forth.


K. Somasundaram, Ramakrishnan Raman, R. Meenakshi, Abhijit Chirputkar. Analyzing Chest X-Ray Lung Images Using Machine Learning. Cardiometry; Issue 25; December 2022; p.145-148; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.25.145148; Available from:


Disease Prediction System,  IoT,  Machine Learning,  Supervised Learning,  Lung Disease,  Graph Theory
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