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Alcoholism and its adverse effects

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Alcoholism affects both adults and children, and it is a major medical issue. A high predominance of ailment, insufficiencies, and fatalities has been associated to alcoholism. It tends to be influenced by hereditary, psychological, social, and other elements. Misuse of alcohol is a main source of non-communicable diseases and mental illnesses and its all add weight to the alcohol-related disease. With regard to alcohol-related issues, medicine and public health face a conundrum. Early detection is critical for effective analysis and management of patients, hence primary prevention should be emphasized in medical care administrations.


N. Nirmala, V. Hemavathy. Alcoholism and its adverse effects. Cardiometry; Issue 25; December 2022; p.104-107; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.25.104107; Available from:


Alcoholism,  Impairments,  Early detection and primary prevention
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