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A Semantic Analysis WRT Linguistic Approach of TV Commercials: A Case-Based Research for LUX (HUL)

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Communicational language clarity, which conveys a message, decides intensity of impact of language used. Thus, this era evidences a well-executed presentation of television commercial ads, with wise and cautious use of words and language. Thus, semantics are being fully exploited by copywriters to win audience’s attention and make a difference. Present study intends to highlight linguistic approach of semantics and analyzes linguistic tools used in LUX soaps’ TV commercials. Understanding effect of linguistic approach and choice of language used by copywriters on viewers also aimed. A systematic thematic review conducted on earlier research on a topic, which well supported by quantitative research done on different age groups to maintain data’s main neutrality. Researcher has used different hypothesis testing and chosen factor analysis of SPSS 22 version, suitable for data. However, in course of research work, it was realized subject was not widely analyzed from any quantitative scale. However, a vast study with qualitative evaluation made in past. Lack of intensive study found to be one of limitations of study.


Sreerupa Sukhari, Ruby Chanda. A Semantic Analysis WRT Linguistic Approach of TV Commercials: A Case-Based Research for LUX (HUL). Cardiometry; Issue 24; November 2022; p.815-824; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.24.815824; Available from:


Semantics,  Advertisements,  Linguistic,  TV commercials,  Language
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