Awareness of Heart-Related Diseases and Associated Risk Factors among Medical Students in India: A Survey
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The early behaviors leading to the development of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) begin in childhood and persist throughout adulthood, even though these conditions often manifest in midlife or later. In India, it is believed that 40% of deaths are due to CVD. Unless the younger generation is informed about CVD, the risk factor for acquiring the condition, and is not prepared to deal with it, CVD will continue to be the primary cause of mortality for them. People who are more knowledgeable about health may engage in healthy habits more often than people who are less educated. Studies assessing the familiarity of Indian university students with CVD risk factors are sadly limited. The purpose of this study was to assess the students’ knowledge about CVD. For data analysis, descriptive or inferential statistics were employed. In the sample, the mean scores was 73.33% out of 100% accurate. The results of the data analysis showed that the general level of understanding of CVD risk factors was just fair. Our study shows that college students do not view CVDs as a significant danger, which may lead to poor preventive measures and unfavorable patient outcomes. More extensive and successful educational interventions are urgently needed, and they must take into account the perspectives, attitudes, and skills of the people they are intended for. College students need to be made more aware of heart disease in order to boost prevention efforts and embrace healthy lifestyles. In the future, this paper will provide awareness about heart disease and risk factors.
Malathi H., Sanskriti Tiwari, Durgesh Wadhwa. Awareness of Heart-Related Diseases and Associated Risk Factors among Medical Students in India: A Survey. Cardiometry; Issue 24; November 2022; p.276-282; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.24.276282; Available from: