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Strategies for Mitigating the Effects of a Pandemic on Indian Medical Tourism

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India is a favorable destination for medical tourism because of its quality healthcare services and affordable treatment costs. It is a continuously growing industry across the globe. But whenever any pandemic situation arises, it adversely affects the industry. Currently, COVID-19 has a severe negative impact on the medical tourism sector. This paper discusses the effects of a pandemic, critical issues, SWOT analysis, and components that mitigate the adverse effects of pandemic diseases on medical tourism in India. During this phase, it is crucial to encourage domestic medical tourism for the sustainability of this sector. India's heritage of ancient medicine promotion, along with modern medicine can captivate the medical tourists. The destination country requires meeting the expectations of tourists through quality services. With India entering this unexpected downturn in this sector, destination country it must emphasize the slow and steady growth of medical tourism against the current and potential future pandemics.


Dixita Kapadia, Prerana Dongre, Ritika Mahadevan. Strategies for Mitigating the Effects of a Pandemic on Indian Medical Tourism. Cardiometry; Issue 20; November 2021; p.144-150; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2021.20.144150; Available from:


Medical tourism,  Global market,  Pandemic,  SWOT,  Inherent factors (AYUSH)
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