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Modeling of threats in the sphere of medical data storage

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In medical institutions of various levels, a large amount of data is stored in electronic form, to ensure the safety of which are presented with special requirements. Ensuring the safety of the storage of medical data should begin with an analysis of existing threats. This article provides a model of threats in the area of data storage, which includes the following components: comunicative, spatial and destructive threat. It is shown that, to date, communicative and spatial threats have minor rates, which can be neglected. The destructive threat is considered in more detail, its components are described. Recommendations for the development of medical data storage systems are given.


Sergey S. Pirozhkov, Olga N. Sakharova, Konstantin K. Kamyshev, Viktor M. Kureichik, Ilya M. Borodyansky. Modeling of threats in the sphere of medical data storage. Cardiometry; Issue 20; November 2021; p.190-193; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2021.20.190193; Available from:


Data storage,  Recommender system,  Medical records,  Database
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