Dear readers!

We remember in October 2021 the 115th anniversary of the birth of Maria A. Ukolova, the prominent Russian researcher, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, First Deputy Director for Science at the Rostov-on-Don Research Institute of Oncology (RRIO), the originator of new research areas, who was the head of the experimental department at the above Institute, the founder of the fi rst scientifi c school for accompanying magnetotherapy of tumors in Russia, the co-author of the world-class-level discovery “Pattern of development of qualitatively diff ering general unspecifi c adaptational reactions of the organism” (Scientifi c Discovery Registration Certifi cate No. 158 issued by the Committee on Inventions and Discoveries at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Moscow, 1975).

For more than 50 years of her outstanding research work at the RRIO, she made a great contribution to the solution to the topical challenge: the identifi cation and defi nition of the complex relationship between the tumor and the human organism. In 1960, M.A. Ukolova published her fi rst research report in the USSR, where she treated actions and eff ects produced by various magnetic fi elds on the growth of malignant tumors in an experiment.

Th e great multifaceted talent M.Ukolova possessed was recognized by her students: fi rst of all by Lyubov Garkavi, Yuri Bordyushkov, Elena Kvakina, who became prominent scientists having a worldwide reputation, whose fundamental works formed the basis of the theory of adaptational reactions as a groundwork for accompanying cancer therapy.

Th e close cooperation of Maria A. Ukolova with A.S. Presman, Yu.A. Kholodov, N.V. Vasiliev, the outstanding Russian scientists, the founders of magnetobiology, as well as with the biggest scientifi c schools in Moscow, Pushchino-on-Oka, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Samara, Riga, Vitebsk and Rostov-on-Don made it possible to consolidate the eff orts in research at that time, in the 60s, and move forward under the present-day conditions to promote development of advanced science-intensive technologies.

Th e activation electromagnetotherapy of tumors is a unique product that has never been used before in the world, and among the pioneers of this original treatment technique are prominent researchers and passionate scientists: Maria A. Ukolova, Lyubov H. Garkavi, Elena B. Kvakina and their followers. It should be stressed that we very much appreciate the continual personal endeavors to maintain and refi ne this scientifi c approach that is made by Oleg I. Kit, Director General of the Rostov National Medical Research Center of Oncology at the Ministry of Health of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who creates all the optimal conditions for the development of the theoretical concepts aimed at further experimental research on actions and eff ects produced by magnetic fi elds applicable to tumor treatment, who makes a major eff ort to equipping with new instrumentation the research labs at the above National Center and who provides invaluable support to this priority scientifi c area, following the conceptual philosophy originated by Maria A. Ukolova.

At present, the leadership position in the above innovative promising research area has been taken by Professor Elena M. Frantsiyants, Deputy Director General for Research, Doctor of Biological Sciences, the brilliant theorist and experimenter, who is responsible for further studies of pathogenesis of malignant tumors at the above Rostov Cancer Center because this research fi eld is capable of discovering new horizons in science.

Alla I. Shikhlyarova
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Honored Healthcare Employer
Senior Researcher
Laboratory for Studies of Pathogenesis of Malignant Tumors
FSBI National Medical Research Center of Oncology,
the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

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