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Chemical composition and nutritional value of the fish growed under the conditions of a natural hot spring of the Almaty region

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The article presents the results of the study of the nutritional, biological value and the chemical composition of the Nile tilapia fish, grown in the natural hot spring of Chondzhy, using different formulations of grower feed. Also, the chemical composition and nutritional value of the sharptooth catfish were investigated for comparative analysis. Nutritional value was characterized by the content of water, nitrogenous matter, lipids, minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins. It was found that this feed additive is completely harmless, does not have negative consequences.


Dinara Zh. Moldagalieva, Nurzhan B. Sarsembaeva, Yasin M. Uzakov. Chemical composition and nutritional value of the fish growed under the conditions of a natural hot spring of the Almaty region. Cardiometry; Issue 20; November 2021; p.180-183; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2021.20.180183; Available from:


Fish,  Feed additives,  Chemical composition,  Nutritional value,  Safety
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