Dear readers

We are pleased to offer a new issue of our journal to your kind attention. It covers medical aspects of the issue of manned mission to Mars. Taking into account that our journal deals with cardiology, based on the principles of accurate cardiovascular system parameter measurements, the articles inserted herein were selected according to the said basic principles. We think it is not a mandatory requirement for our articles to contain a lot of hemodynamic mathematics. It is more important that effects of using new methods described in the latest articles hereof can be successfully applied in practice, and that the new methodology can be used to predict solutions of some problems that may occur during a longterm space manned mission.

The solution of the problems should reflect not only diagnostics, but also the treatment. Therefore, an analysis of methods for the treatment of various pathologies affecting the phase mechanisms of the cardiac performance is very promising. The study of biochemical reactions connected with hemodynamics is important as well.

The issue of a manned mission to Mars requires not only evidence-based recommendations of preparation and monitoring of crew members health state, but the prediction of therapy problem solutions in case of emergency as well. This issue is also addressed herein.

Cardiometry is a very young science. But it has already answered many fundamental questions in cardiology. It’s really a great success! But at the same time, it gives a rise to new challenges to be met. The quest of their solutions requires strict adherence to the methodology of scientific research. A solution cannot be treated true if it exists only as a scientific hypothesis. A true methodology of scientific research is valid only in the case if it is reproducible in practice under different conditions.

The journal will cover some issues allowing readers to better recognize the true scientific methodology in research. The evolution of society has reached the border line in its development, where design and development of precise noninvasive measuring methods in medicine is required. Some of them are already available but their wide use is constrained by the existing paradigm of the scientific community. Overcoming this barrier promotes the scientists not only to solve tasks of development of fundamentally new noninvasive measuring technologies, but it also contributes to the refinements of the existing methods and technologies by making their application in practice as simple as possible even by intuitive users. An example is a widespread use of noninvasive blood pressure measurement devices. Our journal would like to encourage the discussion of the above mentioned issues. You can find herein information on educational courses in cardiometry. Our videos are downloadable. This allows to better visualize results of the research of our authors. The first issue of our journal has attracted considerable interest in the scientific community. The journal’s Editorial Board hopes that the second issue will outperform the first one and enable our readers to find answers to questions and challenges they face in their current research. Of course, we hope that the methods of diagnostics and treatment presented in this issue of our journal will take another step on the way to make the human dream of a successful mission to the charming and mysterious planet Mars come true.

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