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Cardio-eigenoscopy: significance of this new method in prognosis of risks of fatal arrhythmia progression in AMI patients

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The aim of the study was to evaluate the significance of cardioeigenoscopy method for the prognosis of risks of fatal arrhythmia (the primary and secondary VF) progression in AMI individuals.The study was performed with the use of the PC-assisted hemodynamic analyzer Cardiocode. The cardio-eigenoscopy was developed as a methodology that is capable of presenting all ECG changes in the basis of eigenvectors of a covariance matrix of ECG amplitudes and providing an analysis of a spectrum of eigenvalues. The ECG analysis software is implemented as a real-time monitoring of a set of parameters that makes possible to evaluate the therapy effectiveness. The cardio-eigenoscopy method is capable of assessing the risk of progression of fatal arrhythmia events in MI patients. The major markers of the possible progression of fatal arrhythmia were identified. The cardioeigenoscopy provided the maximum expressibility of an ECG curve at any specified EVE values.


Dmitry V. Issakevich, Vladimir V. Chepenko, Mikhail Y. Rudenko, Konstantine K. Mamberger. Cardio-eigenoscopy: significance of this new method in prognosis of risks of fatal arrhythmia progression in AMI patients; Cardiometry; No.2; May 2013; p.104-123; DOI:10.12710/cardiometry.2013.2.104123 Available from:


Arrythmia,  Cardioeigenoscopy,  Cardiovascular system,  Myocardial infarction,  ECG
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