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Comparative analysis of characteristics of electrodes to estimate accuracy in recording long-term ECG signal parameters

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This paper presents some results of a comparative analysis of characteristics of electrodes to estimate the accuracy of recording long-term ECG signal parameters. To obtain the characteristics of the analyzed electrodes of various types, the resistance values of the contact conductive substance of each of them were measured. The relationship of the measured characteristics of the electrodes is analyzed, and the accuracy of recording ECG signal parameters, using the basics of statistical decisions, is estimated. The analysis results show that the harder the contact conductive substance of the electrodes, the more accurately recorded ECG signal parameters.


Yeldos A. Altay, Artem S. Kremlev, Omirbek M. Nuralinov, Sergei M. Vlasov, Aleksandr V. Penskoi, Konstantin A. Zimenko, Alexey A. Margun. Comparative analysis of characteristics of electrodes to estimate accuracy in recording long-term ECG signal parameters. Cardiomet­ry; Issue 15; November 2019; p.63-72; DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2019.15.6372; Available from:


Long term ECG signal monitoring,  ECG signal parameter analysis,  Statistical data processing,  ECG electrodes
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