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Cardiometric fingerprints of various human ego states

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The article presents experimental evidence of the validity of the hypothesis that theoretical construct “ego state”, in addition to the psychological content, actually reflects the physiological mobilization of a human individual to provide a certain type of response. It is shown that the mobilization is manifested in a certain specific pattern inherent to the cardiovascular system performance. Experimental evidence is given herein that the ego-state theoretical construct really captures reasonably definite, content-related different psycho-physiological states of an individual. It is shown that the transitions from one ego state to another are indeed accompanied by significant changes in heart rate variability, which has been estimated using the Baevsky stress index (SI). The article also provides experimental data confirming the validity of using the Baevsky stress index (SI) to assess the effectiveness of the application of the transactional analysis as a psychotherapeutic and psychocorrectional technique.


Vladimir A. Zernov, Elena V. Lobanova, Elvira V. Likhacheva, Lyubov P. Nikolaeva, Diana D. Dymarchuk, Denis S. Yesenin, Nikita V. Mizin, Aleksandr S. Ognev, Mikhail Y. Rudenko. Cardiometric fingerprints of various human ego states. Cardiometry; Issue 15; November 2019; p.38-42; DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2019.15.3842; Available from:


Cardiometry,  Heart rate variability,  The Baevsky stress index,   Ego state,  Validity,  Transactional analysis,  Metaphoric associative cards,  Psychocorrection,  Psychotherapy
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