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Performance of arteriovenous shunts as an adaptational & protective mechanism responsible for the proper coronary hemodynamics

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The paper presents issues on actions and effects made by the discovered phenomena of shunting in the blood flow, when blood is directed from large artery vessels into large-sized venous vessels, on the hemodynamics profile of the proper heart. According to the data delivered by the Cardiocode device, the physiological interpretation of arteriovenous shunt opening to provide an adequate blood circulation in the proper heart is shown herein. Based on the discovered phenomena, it is concluded that the opening of some individual shunts can be treated as one of the flexible adaptational mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of the required hemodynamics of the heart.


Vladimir A. Lukyanchenko. Performance of arteriovenous shunts as an adaptational & protective mechanism responsible for the proper coronary hemodynamics. Cardiometry; Issue 15; November 2019; p.32-37; DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2019.15.3237; Available from:


Heart rate variability,  HRV,  Arteriovenous anastomoses,  Blood shunting,  Hemodynamics of myocardium,  Adaptational & protective mechanisms of the heart
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