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Cardiometric taxonomy of stress-inducing potential in diverse domestic situations

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The aim of our study is to empirically verify the conceptual possibility of constructing a taxonomy of diverse domestic situations, which may become the basis for choosing the best ways to increase an individual stress resistance in a human subject.

Materials and methods

To achieve the aim, after ranking of the subjective evaluations of the occurrence rate of this sort of situations and the degree of intensity of stress induced by the situational cases, we have prepared a set of their laconic descriptions. As a result, a catalogue of 10 paired tasks has been prepared by us. One of these tasks offers that an examinee should imagine and hold in his/her memory for a certain time an image of a stress-inducing situation case as designated by the examiner. The other examinee in this pair has been instructed to imagine an alternative situation, when anticipated are a high level of the calm, trouble-free state, physical comfort and good emotional balance.

During the execution of each task, an ECG and a rheogram of every examinee have been recorded. For this purpose, the Cardiocode PC-assisted devices have been used, and the respective mathematical models of the performance of the human cardiovascular system have been applied. Upon processing of the completed cardiometric records, values of the Baevsky stress index (SI) have been automatically computed.


The post-test conversations with the tested subjects have demonstrated that the adult men most often consider the disputes with their wives to be the strongest memory impressions, and the women’s disputes with their daughters are recognized by the female test subjects as most impressive. Attempts made by a human individual to find an emotional balance after such memorized events by imagining a peaceful conversation result greatest in a decrease in the SI values up to the SI level typical for the memories stored after encountering aggressive animals.


In the course of solving the above formulated research problem, we have succeeded in building a taxonomy of diverse domestic situations that can be used to refine and adjust the best ways of improving the stress resistance of a human individual. The presented taxonomy allows us to significantly narrow the range of possible targets for the targeted therapeutic treatment and select effective images used for the correction of a psycho-emotional state in a human.


Aleksandr S. Ognev, Vladimir А. Zernov, Elvira V. Likhacheva, Lyubov P. Nikolaeva, Mikhail Y. Rudenko, Diana D. Dymarchuk, Denis S. Yesenin, Polina А. Maslennikova, Nikita V. Mizin. Cardiometric taxonomy of stress-inducing potential in diverse domestic situations. Cardiometry; Issue 14; May 2019; p.101-104; DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2019.14.101104; Available from:сardiometric-taxonomy-of-stress-inducing-potential


Cardiometric taxonomy,  Cardiocode,  Eyetracker,  Stress resistance,  Eustress,  Domestic situations
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