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Motion of blood formed elements in a pulsatile hemodynamic flow

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This paper offers some results obtained in our studies on the motion of individual formed elements in blood with due regard of a pulsatile flow of the plasma in the blood vessels. An analysis of the process of the motion of the blood particles having different shapes in a pressure wave variable field of the pressure wave has been completed herein.


Vladimir I. Timoshenko, Nikolay N. Chernov. Motion of blood formed elements in a pulsatile hemodynamic flow. Cardiometry; Issue 13; November 2018; p.22-26; DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2018.13.2226; Available from: issues/no13-november-2018/pulsatile-hemodynamic-flow


Blood formed elements,  Motion,  Pressure wave variable field,  Human circulatory system,  Physical models of motion of formed elements
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