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Functional state of the blood coagulation system in postsurgery period in patients with malignant tumors of the GI tract

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The present paper analyzes changes in coagulation system markers in 64 patients with malignant tumors of the GI in surgical treatment. Results obtained when using parameters of the expanded coagulogram and a new global hemostatic assessment test with the use of Thrombodynamics recorder T2 have been evaluated. Based on the findings, we have developed models for predicting postoperative venous thrombosis and compared different methods for the coagulation system examinations. The thrombodynamics test allows us to assess the state of thrombotic readiness in the postoperative period in 26.56% of patients with GI cancer upon the standard anticoagulant prevention. High levels of the thrombinemia markers and hypercoagulation at the fibrin clot growth rate have been detected after the surgery. Correlation between the plasma fibrinogen levels and the fibrin clot density has been observed. Therefore, the proposed highly sensitive global assessment test of the hemostatic system allows us to detect hypercoagulation and evaluate the efficacy of a preventive dose of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH).


Oksana V. Katelnitskaya, Oleg I. Kit, Nailya K. Guskova, Kristina А. Avanesova, Igor I. Katelnitsky, Dmitry S. Petrov, Aleksandr V. Shaposhnikov, Sergey N. Dimitriadi, Anna V. Chubaryan, Dmitry V. Burtsev, Yulia N. Krokhmal, Ekaterina О. Vasilieva. Functional state of the blood coagulation system in postsurgery period in patients with malignant tumors of the GI tract. Cardiometry; Issue 13; November 2018; p.58-65; DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2018.13.5865; Available from:


Hemostasis system,  Thrombinemia,  Thrombodynamics,  Gastric cancer,  Colon cancer
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