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Cardiometry in oncology: new digital possibilities for analyzing the cardiovascular system state in cancer patients

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The new high-tech era begins not with supply of an innovative product to the market, but rather with an intellectual leap in the field of open issues in fundamental engineering, healthcare and education. In the present essay, an example of the successful translation of mathematical, physics- and engineering-related philosophy into the digital platform of Cardiometry is discussed. The theory of hemodynamics, the laws of axiomatics, logic and adaptation can be expressed in terms of mathematics. The original analytical software used in PC-assisted device Cardiocode allows carrying out a phase analysis of the hemodynamics within an extended range. Pilot studies conducted by us in cancer patients at the stages of multi-course chemotherapy have revealed abnormalities and disorders in hemodynamics, energy exchange and adaptation expectancy of the heart at early stages of cancer treatment that is of prognostic significance. Pronounced processes of destabilization in hemodynamics, a suppressed energy exchange and a degradation of adaptation capabilities by the end of the chemotherapy courses involves the appearance of cardiotoxic effects. Based on records covering the specific frequencies discovered in ECG & Rheogram, the R-R interval scatter plots, the metabolic parameters and the Baevsky stress index, we have demonstrated cardioprotective influence made by xenon as a possible solution of the indicated problem. Thus, the Cardiocode technology supports diagnostics by offering an original cardiometric approach, significantly broadening the notion of cardio-oncology from the perspective of the cardiotoxicity pathogenesis under the cancer development conditions and in treatment thereof.


Alla I. Shikhlyarova, Mikhail Y. Rudenko, Vladimir А. Zernov, Elena М. Frantsiyants, Elena А. Dzhenkova, Lyubov Y. Vladimirova, Lyudmila Y. Rozenko, Dmitriy A. Rozenko, Nailya К. Guskova, Larisa N. Vaschenko, Yulia Y. Arapova, Tatiana P. Protasova, Elena А. Shirnina, Tatiana А. Barteneva, Marina А. Gusareva, Vitaly I. Voshedsky, Inna V. Pavlyatenko. Cardiometry in oncology: new digital possibilities for analyzing the cardiovascular system state in cancer patients. Cardiometry; Issue 13; November 2018; p.35-41; DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2018.13.3541; Available from:


Cardiometry,  Oncology,  Hemodynamics,  Cardiometric approach,  Cardiotoxicity pathogenesis,  Prediction,  ECG,  Rheogram,  Metabolic parameters,  The Baevsky stress index
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