No.12 May 2018

Biological rhythms: influence on the cardiovascular system performance

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Needless to say, the idea of our Journal is to offer most exclusive research papers on problems associated with investigations of the human cardiovascular system. We are happy to state that the popularity of our Journal throughout in the world has been growing steadily.

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Original research

Mechanisms of the action of endogenous electrotonic influences and exogenous factors on biological rhythms of neurons

Subjects of our experimental studies were neurons in the snail Helix Pomatia, from which continuous intracellular recordings according to our specific microelectrode recording technique were produced.
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Formation of the system of anti-stressor reactions as a non-specific basis for health and longevity

The proposed editorial article touches upon aspects of fundamental medicine associated with the discovery of systems of nonspecific adaptation reactions in the organism as a whole. It is shown that the key law of the organism's response to the actions of the external and internal environment consists in the dependence between the reaction quality and the quantity (measure, intensity) of an acting factor.
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Biological rhythms in the living cell: tunes of the life

Offered is an overview of the author's papers in exploring an interface between biological rhythms of energy, function and biosynthesis in a nerve cell of a crayfish stretch receptor. Parameters of mitochondrion aggregation rhythms integrally determine the energy metabolism in the cell.
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Original research

Peculiarities of morphological and functional characteristics of residents of the North-East of Russia, depending on background meteorological and heliomagnetic indices

In order to reveal the functional interrelationships of the main physiological characteristics of the organism with the external environment exogenous abiotic factors, as well as the evaluation of the magnetic field factor effect on the morphofunctional status main characteristics, 18 healthy men aged 25–49 years old, residents of the North-East of Russia (Magadan) were examined.
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Hierarchy of biological rhythms, chronodiagnostics and bio-feedback

At present, control of properties of biological membranes as targets of magnetic field applications within a living cell is the subject of considerable discussion in the scientific community. Experimental studies carried out by us demonstrate that ULF MF has an access to the most important mechanisms of tumor growth. The most likely mechanism among them is that responsible for the processes of free-radicals oxidation.
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Technical report

The phonocardiographic data recording & processing system: an effective approach

Some results obtained in recording and processing of phonocardiograms are presented herein. To process phonocardiographic signals, a cascade filtration method has been used that allows detecting tones of the cardiovascular system in the background noise. The effectiveness of the proposed processing method is demonstrated by the results of visualization.
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