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Study of central hemodynamic parameters in pediatric burn shock patients using the method of the heart cycle phase analysis

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This paper deals with a study of central hemodynamics in 363 pediatric patients with burn shock as compared with a reference healthy children group in order to establish clinical value of the hemodynamic parameters for burn shock diagnostics and therapy.

Materials and methods

There is a new method applied to examine the functional status of the cardiovascular system with use of the medical equipment Cardiocode that is based on the method of the heart cycle phase analysis and capable of measuring parameters such as a stroke volume (SV), a circulation minute volume (CMV), systolic parameters (both a rapid ejection volume Vr.e. and a slow ejection volume Vs.e.), diastolic parameters (an early diastole volume Ve.d. and an atrial systole volume Va.s.), including a volumetric parameter characterizing the actual tonus of the ascending aorta (Va.а.).


Age-related trends in the above volumetric parameters have been established herein. Specific features of the hemodynamic parameters in pediatric patients with burn shock have been identified.


Diagnostics of changes in the central hemodynamics in pediatric burn patients at their hospital admission provides reliable prediction tools for detecting shock well in advance and starting with an adequate intensive therapy.


Vladimir A. Vecherkin, Victor A. Ptitsin, Olga K. Voronova. Study of central hemodynamic parameters in pediatric burn shock patients using the method of the heart cycle phase analysis; Cardiometry; No.1; November 2012; p.48-56; DOI:10.12710/cardiometry.2012.1.4856 Available from:


Burn shock,  Cardiac output,  Cardiocode,  Hemodynamics,  Minute volume,  Pediatric patients,  Phase analysis,  Stroke volume
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