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General problems of metrology and indirect measuring in cardiology: error estimation criteria for indirect measurements of heart cycle phase durations

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This paper treats general problems of metrology and indirect measurement methods in cardiology. It is aimed at an identification of error estimation criteria for indirect measurements of heart cycle phase durations.

Materials and methods

A comparative analysis of an ECG of the ascending aorta recorded with the use of the Hemodynamic Analyzer Cardiocode (HDA lead) versus conventional V3, V4, V5, V6 lead system ECGs is presented herein. Criteria for heart cycle phase boundaries are identified with graphic mathematical differentiation. Stroke volumes of blood SV calculated on the basis of the HDA phase duration measurements vs. echocardiography data are compared herein.


The comparative data obtained in the study show an averaged difference at the level of 1%. An innovative noninvasive measuring technology originally developed by a Russian R & D team offers measuring stroke volume of blood SV with a high accuracy.


In practice, it is necessary to take into account some possible errors in measurements caused by hardware. Special attention should be paid to systematic errors.


Konstantine K. Mamberger. General problems of metrology and indirect measuring in cardiology: error estimation criteria for indirect measurements of heart cycle phase durations; Cardiometry; No.1; November 2012; p.151-163; DOI:10.12710/cardiometry.2012.1.152165 Available from:


ECG,  Cardiometry,  Cardiology,  Measurement errors,  Metrology,  Phase analysis
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