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Impact Analysis of Aspirin over the Cardiac Activity

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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in most developed countries, including the United States, with a significant economic impact. Lifestyle changes and the administration of antiplatelet medication, like aspirin, may significantly contribute to the secondary prevention of CVD in adults. For years, aspirin has been utilized for both secondary and primary cardiovascular disease prevention. Aspirin has been extensively used because of the belief that it may have a positive impact on primary prevention, despite the debate surrounding its usage. This study briefly examines usage patterns and discusses the potential variables and factors that can decrease the ability of aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease. The present study also explore the key studies of aspirin use in the context of recent recommendations. The risk of bleeding has been observed to significantly rise, although large randomized clinical studies have demonstrated a reduction or absence of CVD events. Prevention strategies for cardiovascular disease with low-dose aspirin are no longer advised for persons at intermediate risk. To determine whether taking aspirin is worth the potential dangers, the benefits must be evaluated.


Sonia Rani, Santosh Kumar Singh, Vijay Laxmi. Impact Analysis of Aspirin over the Cardiac Activity. Cardiometry; Issue 24; November 2022; p.360-366; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.24.360366; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Aspirin,  Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA),  Cardiovascular Disease (CVD),  Heart Disease,  Myocardial infarction
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