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Case report

Cushing Reflex Variant: A case report

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In our case, we report a 67-year-old male admitted with lower limb ischemia for angiography under vascular surgery. During the procedure, he exhibited a sudden change in consciousness level, an abnormal breathing pattern, and bradycardia associated with normal blood pressure. This case represents a rare and detrimental manifestation of the Cushing reflex present with isolated bradycardia. This case report concluded a possible early haemorrhagic insult on top of chronic infarction. To direct the patient to the appropriate course of action, they must be monitored in an intensive care unit and have their intracranial pressure continuously checked.


Manal Al Khaldi. Cushing Reflex Variant: A case report. Cardiometry; Issue 24; November 2022; p.171-174; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.24.171174; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Cushing reflex,  Bradycardia,  Early haemorrhagic insult,  Raised intracranial pressure,  Chronic infarction
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