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Study of sedative activity and sleeping effect of the Zopnik mullein-shaped herb (Phlomis Thapsoides (BGE), growing in Uzbekistan

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The sedative activity of the zopnik herb on the model of prolongation of the sleeping action of barbiturate in white rats was studied. As a result of the study, it was found that, in terms of the ability to prolong urethane sleep, Mullein-shaped zopnik is equivalent to the well-known sedative - Regel's zopnik herb. When studying the sleeping effect, it was shown that the Mullein-shaped zopnik herb does not cause signs of drowsiness compared to the control.


Orifjonova Gulnoza Kobiljon qizi, Manzura T. Mullajonova, Abdumumin K. Ganiev, Malika K. Tursunova. Study of sedative activity and sleeping effect of the Zopnik mullein-shaped herb (Phlomis Thapsoides (BGE), growing in Uzbekistan. Cardiometry; Issue 22; May 2022; p.133-135; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.22.133135; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Prolongation,  Regel's zopnik,  Mullein-shaped zopnik,  Sedative activity,  Sleeping effect
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