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Study of employees' behavior during organizational change: effects of business theatre on Kübler-Ross model

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Purpose – This article aims to study the employees' behavior during organizational change and the effects of business theatre on the Kübler-Ross Model to boost the employees' spirit so that the efficiency of an organization would increase. Design/methodology/approach – The authors revisit the insights from previous work on the role of organizational change and its effects on employees' behavior. Classic Kübler-Ross Model has been used in this study to analyze employees' behavior during the change process. Findings – This article shows how business theatre can act as a healer and help employees overcome emotional turmoil. Eventually, the implementation of business theatre may shorten the time taken by the employees when they go through shock-denial-anger-bargaining-depression-acceptance-commitment phases of grief. Originality/value – The paper provides new insights into the role of business theatre in organizational change management. It focuses on the interrelationship between both, with the help of the conceptual framework of the Kübler-Ross Model, which explains employees’ behavior during the organizational change.


Sayali Chavan, Shubhasheesh Bhattacharya. Study of employees' behavior during organizational change: effects of business theatre on Kübler-Ross model. Cardiometry; Issue 22; May 2022; p.237-243; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.22.237243; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Organizational change,  Change management,  Kübler-Ross Model,  Employee behavior,  Business theatre
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