Professor Viacheslav Mikhailovich Tyutyunnik

Viacheslav Mikhailovich Tyutyunnik was born on October 4, 1949 in the city of Kupyansk, Kharkov region, Ukrainian SSR, in a family of hereditary Greeks.
In 1967 he graduated from mathematics school No. 29 in Tambov, from the Tambov Institute of Chemical Engineering in 1972, he worked there in 1972–1980, then at the Tambov branch of the Moscow State Institute of Culture in 1980-1995 (Tambov State Institute of Culture, since 1990), where he headed the Department of Informatics (1983–1995). He headed the Department of Information Systems at the G.R. Derzhavin State University in 1995–2003. Prof. V.M. Tyutyunnik was Director of the Tambov branch of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts from 1997 to 2016. He is the President and General Director of the International Nobel Information Center (INIC) from 1989 to present, and Chairman of the Tambov Regional Branch of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAEN) since 1996 to present.
Prof. V.M.Tyutyunnik is known in the scientific environment for the following problems: physical chemistry of active polymers – 60 publications; the apparatus design of chemical technology processes – 70 publications (12 patents) ; informatics and science of science – 450 publications; nobelistics (bio-bibliography and bio-scientometrics of the Nobel Prize Laureates and Nobels’ dynasty) and the regularity of science development – 550 publications; diagnostic, treatment and prevention of cancer diseases (an information field apparatus, cytostatics, cryosurgery) – 40 publications (2 patents).
The development of the first direction of investigations resulted in receiving and detailed study of the characteristics of heat-resistant active cation-exchange resins, which found application as catalysts, for the absorption of gases and precious metals when special accumulators are exploited, for the cleaning of hot heat-carriers in nuclear reactors. At that time, his scientific teachers were outstanding national chemists with world-known names: academician I.L. Knunyantz (the scientific consultant), academician B.N. Laskorin (the official opponent for the doctor’s thesis), academician V.V. Korshak (the head of the chair and the chairperson of the specialized scientific council). After 1980 he practically lefts his investigation concerning these problems.
In the second direction, developed as a parallel to the first one, he succeeded in the elaboration of the original principle of the construction of automatic devices for measuring speed, volume, stickiness, density, and other characteristics of gases and liquids in industrial chemical and technological processes. On the base of this principle his colleagues and he created for the first time a great number of devices (they are fully described in scientific and technical reports), ten of which are defended by patents of the USSR and are used at works of the country. Some apparatuses are described in foreign publications. After 1985 he practically stopped developing this direction.
The third and the fours directions after 1972 gradually turned from the initial hobby into the main ones and at the present time they compose the base of all his scientific projects, partly described in the senior doctorate thesis. At the initial stage, the aim of these investigations was the search of the most general consequences of the development of modern directions of chemistry as a whole logical system, using for this biobibliographical and bioscientometrical data about the Nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine. Simultaneously he had to solve the problems of the analysis of scientists’ information needs in the sphere of natural sciences, to elaborate the criteria of the efficiency of scientists-chemists’ scientific activity on the base of the system approach, to model periodical historical and scientific documents; to pay much attention to the personalia of Nobel Laureates and A. Nobel as they were completely unknown in Russia. In 1975 under I.L. Knunyantz’s protection he was a success at the publication of the sensational (according to that time) issue of «The Journal of D.I.Mendeleev All-Union Chemical Society» wholly devoted to the Nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry; then he published several books, booklets, articles and abstracts.
approach, to model periodical historical and scientific documents; to pay much attention to the personalia of Nobel Laureates and A. Nobel as they were completely unknown in Russia. In 1975 under I.L. Knunyantz’s protection he was a success at the publication of the sensational (according to that time) issue of «The Journal of D.I.Mendeleev All-Union Chemical Society» wholly devoted to the Nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry; then he published several books, booklets, articles and abstracts.
Practically all scientific awards and honors were received by him exactly for the creation and development of nobelistics. On the fifth direction, researches began with the 1990’s (in collaboration with professors Yu.A Filippov and N.N.Korpan, Vienna). The basic idea is to devise special methods for diagnostic, treatment and prevention of cancer. The view on the human’s information field had been constructed, equipment for its measuring was developed (early cancer diagnosis), cytostatics for chemotherapy at early stages of cancer and after surgery have been developed and successfully used.
Professor V.M.Tyutyunnik is widely known in the world for his scientific and organizational activities. He was organizer, holder and header of the Organizing Committees of two series of International scientific conferences in Tambov: «Informatics and Science of Science» (7 conferences were held in 1983, 1986, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1996, 1998) and «The International Meeting-Conferences of the Nobel Prize Winners and nobelists» (13 congresses were held in 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2017, 2019 and 2024). The collections of abstracts and other materials were published at every conference.
Professor V.M.Tyutyunnik is an academician of seven academies of sciences: Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1996), New York Academy of Sciences (USA, 1997), International Academy of Sciences, Technologies, Education and Arts (USA, 1999), London Diplomatic Academy (Great Britain, 2004), A.M.Prokhorov Russian Academy of Engineering (2008), Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2011), European Academy of Natural History (Germany, 2011); he is member of the International Association of Survey Statisticians (France, 1983), International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry IUPAC (UK, 1991), International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics (Germany, 2001), Honorary Member of “European Who’s Who Association” (Switzerland, 2013), many other domestic and foreign scientific communities. Professor V.M.Tyutyunnik is a member of editorial boards of “Russian Chemical Journal. Journal of the D.I.Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society” (Moscow, 2001–2015) and several other journals of higher level, Editor-in-Chief of the international journals “Information Systems, Processes and Technologies” (since 2003) and “Components of Scientific and Technological Progress” (Cyprus, since 2015); Deputy Chairman of the Specialized Dissertation Doctoral Scientific Council on the specialty “Informatics and Information Processes” at Tambov State Technical University (since 2004). V.M. Tyutyunnik is an honorary professor of Alfred Nobel University of Dnepropetrovsk (2010) and Tambov State Technical University (2021).
Prof. V.M. Tyutyunnik is the holder of many scientific awards and prizes: W.Nernst Medal of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society (1991), Peter the Great Silver Medal with Diploma “for merits in the revival of science and economy of Russia” (1997), Nobel Prizes Winners’ Club Gold Medal “for outstanding contribution for the benefit of mankind” (USA, 2000), 1-St Degree Golden Order “Mind. Valor. Honor” (highest award of the RANS) with Diploma and the Honorary Title of “Knight of Arts and Sciences” (2000), Silver Medal “RANS – 10 years”, Order “Gold Eagle” RANS (2006), Order “The Best Teacher in Russia” (2010), A. Nobel Medal (2012), etc. He is International Man of the Year (Great Britain, annually from 1993), Man of the Year (USA, annually from 1996), etc.
The editorial board of our journal congratulates Professor V. M. Tyutyunnik on his 75th anniversary and wishes him health and many years of intensive scientific creativity!