Mr. G. Garbuzov is the founder of the company Vitauct

Mr. G. Garbuzov is the founder of the company Vitauct, manufacturing and supplying dietary supplements. Also he is the founder of Vitauct-Agro, a company responsible for growing rare medicinal plants with plantations of 500 hectares located in the foothills of the Caucasus. About 80 medicinal plants have been collected and are grown for commercial sales there. Many species such as ginkgo biloba, black walnut, myrthe, dioscorea and many others have been producing on industrial basis in Russia for the first time.
Initiator of the development of many medicinal phytocompositions for a great variety of applications in health care. In particular, they include phytocompositions, popular in Russia, like Yuglon, 9-ka Stoprazit (removing parasites), Ginkgotropil (strengthening blood vessels, relieving capillary spasms), Diosclefit (cleaning blood vessels and removing cholesterol), Mirthabiotic (natural harmless antibiotic), which have been offered and successfully introduced for use. Known are also Neurvana (to balance the neurotransmitters in CNS and ANS, relieve depression, reduce insomnia), Urolythe (to destroy kidney stones), Venospas (in case of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis), Akan (to modulate antitumor immunity, especially important under chemotherapy) and many others.
Mr. G. Garbuzov has been working at solving major health problems for about 40 years. He is the author of about 100 popular science articles and 20 books, where he presents his original views on solving and understanding many scientific problems. He adheres to complex methodology of treatment and recovery using natural methods that he treats in his books. He is also actively involved in longevity issues. The latest book by him is called: “EPIPHYSUS AS THE SUPREME DRIVER OF ONTOGENESIS: THE KEY TO YOUTH AND AGING,” where he proposed his own original concept of epiphyseal youth and methods for the implementation thereof. Mr. G. Garbuzov pays his great attention to the problems of oncology, and in this connection we should mention his latest book “SELF-DESTRUCTION OF CANCER TUMORS. THE PHENOMENON OF APOPTOSIS,” where special attention is given to the study of research data on the possibility of initiating apoptosis using special techniques for the purpose of harmless treatment of an oncological problem. Also he is the author of many books devoted to unique medicinal plants such as ginkgo and black walnut.
You can find all the articles, books, and medication details visiting his website