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Assocation of genotype and allelotype frequance of interleukine 13 with most viralance gene of Staphlococcus aureus

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The current study was done to isolation and indentification of the Staphlococcus aureus isolates associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome patients and determine the molecular status for these patients and bacteria. The study included 155 clinical samples, which were collected from November 2022 to June 2023. The samples included blood samples - vaginal swabs. About 75 samples were collected from women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and 30 samples were collected from women with polycystic ovarian disease ( PCOD). They visit Imam Al-Sadiq Hospital and Babylon Teaching Hospital for Maternity and Children in Babylon Governorate. While 50samples were collected from women without polycystic ovaries as a healthy group. All samples were cultured on different media for full bacteriological identification . In addition , blood samples were taken in order to studying molecular status. The results of this study on the polymerase chain reaction revealed a number of genes related to Staphylococcus aureus isolates and some of its virulence factors, including genes (mec A, spa , luks). The study revealed the presence of the mec A gene in 5 out of 38 isolates. And by (13.15 %). While the spa gene was present in 9 out of 38 isolates, with a rate of (23.68 %). While the luks gene was present in 7 out of 38 isolates, with a rate of (18.42 %). while the study included the genes of sick people by detecting some genes, including the study of genetic polymorphisms of the gene for cytokine IL13 in patient samples.


Rana jaleil AL-Khafaji, Basaad Abed zaid Al-Fatlawi, AL-mamory Abdulnabi jwaid AL-mamory. Assocation of genotype and allelotype frequance of interleukine 13 with most viralance gene of Staphlococcus aureus. Cardiometry; Issue 31; May 2024; p.63-71; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2024.31.6371; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Interleukine 13,  Staphlococcus aureus,  Viralance gene
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