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The Effect of Some Different Blood Anticoagulants on Rabbits Plasma Biochemical Parameters under Different Temperatures

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The aim of present study was to compare the effect of Ca chelating anticoagulants (EDTA, citrate and oxalate) and antithrombin anticoagulant (heparin) on some rabbits plasma biochemical parameters at room temperature 25℃ and extreme temperatures -18℃and 50℃ for 1hr. Five male rabbits weighting between 800-1000gm, kept in the animal house /College of Veterinary Medicine/University of Diyala, under 12:12 dark light cycle with ad libtum food and water in individual cages (60cm,40cm) during November and December /2022. Four ml of blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture (23G needle) into four tubes contain anticoagulants: (EDTA, citrate, oxalate and heparin)one ml of blood for each tube; then the blood samples were kept at :room temperature 25℃, waterbath50℃ and refrigerator -18 ℃, for 1hr then put in centrifuge at 3000rpm for 15min. From total examined blood samples =24 for each Ca chelating anticoagulants (EDTA, citrate and oxalate) and antithrombin anticoagulant (heparin) after 1hr under in 25c℃ , -18℃ and 50℃. The both groups of anticoagulants (Ca chelating and antithrombin) showed no significant differences P>0.05 between them in level of biochemical parameters (glucose, total protein, cholesterol and urea) after 1 hr at 25C; on the other hand significant increase in plasma glucose, total protein and cholesterol beside significant decrease in plasma urea of Ca chelating anticoagulants after 1hr at -18C and 50C as compare with antithrombin anticoagulant. In conclusion; heparin was more effective than Ca chelating anticoagulant in preserve plasma biochemical parameters within normal values under extreme cool and hot condition.


Ehssan N. Jasim Al-Obaidy, Muna Muhammed Ismail, Measer Zaid Muhi. The Effect of Some Different Blood Anticoagulants on Rabbits Plasma Biochemical Parameters under Different Temperatures. Cardiometry; Issue 29; November 2023; p.111-115; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2023.29.111115; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Ca chelating and antithrombin anticoagulants,  Plasma biochemical parameters
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