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Clinical and epidemiological features of the detection and course of the infectious disease tuberculosis depending on the presence of concomitant pathology

* Автор, отвечающий за переписку

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The article is devoted to the most pressing issues of studying the clinical and epidemiological features concerning the detection and course of tuberculosis infection in patients with concomitant pathologies. Such pathologies include cancer, diseases of the endocrine system, of the respiratory system (chronic bronchitis, pneumoconiosis), gastric ulcer, pathology of the urinary system, exhaustion due to insufficient nutrition, smoking. Using genetically engineered biological drugs (GEBPs) in practice reduces the activity of inflammatory phenomena due to suppression of the immune response, but increases the risk of developing infectious diseases, primarily tuberculosis. Immunosuppressive therapy in organ transplant patients is also associated with the risk of developing tuberculosis. A special nature of immune disorders develops during HIV infection, a comorbid disease in patients with tuberculosis. The diseases listed above create a medical risk group in patients with immunocompromise, which is the basis for the development of tuberculosis. In addition to the risk of developing infection, patients with concomitant diseases have unfavorable results from treatment of tuberculosis, which does not allow achieving abacillation in a short time, thereby maintaining a reservoir of infection in society. In this regard, the purpose of our research was to study the clinical and epidemiological features of the detection and course of tuberculosis infection in patients with concomitant pathology A study was conducted using a continuous sampling method for the period from December 2020 to August 2021. 67 medical records of an inpatient at the state budgetary healthcare institution “Republican Clinical Anti-TB Dispensary” (Ufa) were analyzed. The groups were formed based on the detection of concomitant pathology (main, n=33) and its absence (control, n=34). To achieve the goal of the study, a comparative analysis of methods for detecting tuberculosis and clinical manifestations of tuberculosis was performed; prevalence of the process, detection of the fact of bacterial excretion and drug sensitivity from December 2020 to August 2021. 67 case histories of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT) in patients of the studied groups were analyzed. Statistical data processing was performed using licensed software Statistica 6.0 when calculating two types of data: discrete and interval. To assess the chances of detecting the studied factor in both groups, the indicator (OR) was used to calculate the 95% confidence interval (CI). Interval indicators were studied by t-test for independent samples, with Livigne's correction.


Nina V. Davletbaeva, Raul A. Sharipov, Daminov E.A., Davletbaev R.N., Tatiana E. Tyulkova. Clinical and epidemiological features of the detection and course of the infectious disease tuberculosis depending on the presence of concomitant pathology. Cardiometry; Issue 29; November 2023; p.74-79; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2023.29.7479; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Tuberculosis,  Detection,  Course of tuberculosis,  Concomitant pathology,  Immunocompromise
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