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Cognitive and ethical reasons for the dissident movement in epidemiology


The article discusses several fundamental reasons for the emergence of such a significant phenomenon as the anti-vaccination movement. An attempt is made to classify these causes. The theory of the phases of the vaccination cycle by Robert Chen is presented. The theory of cognitive simplicity and the creation of illusory patterns to strengthen psychological control over a stressful situation was developed by Moscow anthropologist Alexandra Arkhipova. The decision to refuse vaccination is often accompanied by an inability to rank the risks and trust in pseudoscientific rumors. The level of distrust of citizens in government and healthcare, and, conversely, excessive trust in populist personalities, is also a significant reason for dissent in epidemiology. The article provides numerous examples from the history of smallpox, cholera and coronavirus epidemics. In conclusion, the article considers the problem of trust and mutual responsibility in society.


Tatyana I. Bocharova, Elena B. Kokoreva , Valentina D. Shakolyukova Cognitive and ethical reasons for the dissident movement in epidemiology. Cardiometry; No.26 February 2023; p.-; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2023.26.; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Anti-vaccination movement,  Smallpox epidemic,  Cognitive simplicity theory,  Corruption rating,  The problem of mutual responsibility in society
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