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The Importance of Internationalization on ‘Academics and Research’ parameters for Ranking of Universities after Covid-19

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Mobility of students and faculty is an essential aspect of Internationalization of Higher Education (IHE), but it also has an influence on academics and research, necessitating study into the consequences of these two characteristics for university ranking. The study used a qualitative approach to data collecting. Vice Chancellors and Senior Academicians from Institutes of Higher Education in India, Australia, and Zambia were interviewed in-depth to learn more about the impact of globalization on academics and research. The responses from majority of the academicians were positive as Internationalization of academics and research creates an environment bringing in intercultural, international and comparative aspects in the classroom. The world today faces challenges due to Covid-19, which are no longer local but have global implications. Local solutions can be applied globally through Internationalization of research. However, other academics believe that internationalization may not be a priority for India at this time, since the country must focus on domestic issues such as access and fairness. Academic internationalization not only provides a global classroom environment, but it also has a tremendous influence on the community through research, since these answers may be used internationally, resulting in changes. According to the findings, internationalization should be regarded as a criterion for the Indian Ranking System. This paper provides in-depth insights and views of policymakers about the importance of Internationalization and its significant influence on academics and research after Covid-19.


Sahasrabudhe Swati, Vidya Yeravdekar, Neelam Netra. The Importance of Internationalization on ‘Academics and Research’ parameters for Ranking of Universities after Covid-19. Cardiometry; Issue 23; August 2022; p.797-806; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.23.797806; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Internationalization,  Higher education,  Global,  Academics,  COVID-19,  Research
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