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Effectiveness of Cold Pack Application on Reduction of Pain Perception during Active Phase of Labour among Parturient Mothers

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Pregnancy is the period of gestation from the fertilization of an egg, through development of a fetus, and ending at birth of the baby. A woman’s desire for, and cold pack of, pain relief during labour are influenced by many factors, including her expectations, the complexity of her labour and the severity of her pain. Objectives: To assess the pre-test and post-test level of pain perception during active phase of labour among parturient mothers both in experimental and control group, effectiveness of cold pack on reduction of pain perception during active phase of labour among parturient mothers in the experimental group, association between the level of pain perception during active phase of labour among parturient mothers with their selected demographic variables. Methods: An experimental research design was adopted for the study with 60 samples who met the inclusion criteria were selected by purposive sampling technique. Semi structured interview method was used to collect the demographical and obstetrical data, Wong Baker Scale tool was used to measure the level of pain. Result: The study shows that there is a significant difference between the posttest levels of pain perception during active phase of labour among parturient mothers in the experimental group than in the control group. Conclusion: There was a significant association in the post test level of pain perception among parturient mother in the experimental group than in the control group at p<0.01 and p<0.001 level. Thus the cold pack application is an effective non-pharmacological method which can be used to manage the level of pain perception during labour.


A. Sahaya Mary, S. Kala Barathi. Effectiveness of Cold Pack Application on Reduction of Pain Perception during Active Phase of Labour among Parturient Mothers. Cardiometry; Issue 23; August 2022; p.161-166; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.23.161166; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Parturient mothers,  Cold pack application,  Labour pain,  Pain perception and childbirth
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