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CARDIOMETRY: Our 10th Anniversary

Time goes faster and faster: today we realize that our journal CARDIOMETRY becomes 10 years old! Is this period of time short or long? Comparing with the history of our planet Earth, it is rather an early age. However, that has given us sufficient time to expand the journal’s scientific and methodological niche and go beyond the scope of cardiology, so that it can be recognized to be among the multidisciplinary research periodicals. In this connection, we should mention that our research journal is a thematic one: each issue deals with a specific subject matter that facilitates the navigating in the relevant scientific information. CARDIOMETRY has gained in popularity not only due its role to be a substantial source of scientific information available both abroad and in Russia, but also due to its transformation into “a living heart” to govern “scientific pacing” in cardiology, oncology, biophysics, sports medicine, functional rehabilitation and restorative therapy in response to demand in scientific community. This transformation has become possible first owing to the initially laid groundwork for scientific development, which represents some essential discoveries bringing the medicine to an absolutely new methodological level and which includes the following:
  • development of digital cardiometric platform on the basis of the scientific discovery by G. Poyedintsev – O. Voronova of elevated fluidity of blood in large blood vessels with blood elements and plasma forming concentric structural rings in blood flow;
  • the scientific discovery by M. Rudenko and V. Zernov of the law of formation of stability of interference waves of arterial pressure in blood vessels;
  • the discovery of pattern of development of qualitatively differing general unspecific adaptational reactions of the organism and their periodicity at different levels of reactivity in an organism to raise unspecific and anti-tumor resistance in a human organism, made by L.Kh. Garkavi, M.A. Ukolova and E.B. Kvakina;
  • justification and substantiation by M.N. Kondrasheva and E.I. Mayevsky of the mechanisms of mitochondrial energetics under the normal and pathological conditions and development of approaches to succinate-induced regulation of homeostasis;
  • targeted investigations by E.M. Frantsiyants et al. of multi-system pathogenetic mechanisms of malignant tumor growth and development of methods of inhibition of neoplastic growth and activation of regeneration processes with the use of innovative techniques of mitochondrial therapy.
Secondly, the journal is intensively in communication and cooperation with excellent researchers both from Russia and abroad, who supply our periodical with their firstclass papers. The CARDIOMETRY’s geography covers the CARDIOMETRY’s editorial team, authors, co-authors and engaged readership in more than 150 countries throughout the world involving practically all the Earth continents. The success made by our young, top-rated on-line journal has been translated in the official Russian National and international recognition: CARDIOMETRY is indexed by the following abstracting and indexing services: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Web of Russian Scientific Citation Index (RSCI) supported by Russian Science Higher Attestation Commission (VAK RF).
One more prime tradition of the journal CARDIOMETRY is that each issue dedicates a couple of its first pages to research work of most prominent scientists who has contributed to progress in science through their most advanced, exclusive, pioneering ideas, concepts, experimental research work and achievements: an advancement in science is always built on the strong foundation laid by a lot of outstanding researchers, great thinkers, keen experimenters and dedicated practitioners over many, many years of their hard work.
The journal’s team certainly tries to find new formats of work and communication with their readers and authors, and we’ll be glad to propose in the nearest future a new section therein: our Discussion Club that will be capable of offering the current focus of scientific community debate. We’ll make a major effort to identify topics of common interest and get answers to most critical questions with providing feedback from our readers.
It is not improbable that our readership may supply us with some other fresh ideas how to communicate or initiate some original promising projects, which might be attractive for us, why not?
And today we all are celebrating our 10th anniversary!
We wish health and wealth for everyone!

Editorial Board and team

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