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Cardioncology of children’s patients: an interdisciplinary approach to treatment and supportive therapy

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The paper investigates the features of an interdisciplinary approach in the field of treatment and supportive therapy of pediatric patients with oncological diagnoses having concomitant problems in the field of cardiology. The authors note that the formation of an interdisciplinary approach in the field of prevention and treatment of cardiopathologies in children with cancer will eliminate gaps in the knowledge of specialists and improve the results of treatment of children with cancer. Early detection of cardiovascular diseases and preventive initiation of drug treatment improves the quality of life as well as increases the long-term survival rates of such children.


Nadir D. Zamaldinov, Sayna A. Malamagomedova, Aleksandr O. Kelin. Cardioncology of children’s patients: an interdisciplinary approach to treatment and supportive therapy. Cardiometry; Issue 23; August 2022; p.54-57; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.23.5457; Available from:'s-patients

Ключевые слова

Cardioncology,  Children’s patients,  Supportive therapy,  Treatment
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