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Analysis of the Consumer Purchase Behavior of Personal Care Products in a Developing Country

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This study aims to understand the consumers’ purchase behavior of personal care products in India. The study will identify the various factors which impact the final purchase decision of the consumers. A qualitative study was undertaken by conducting semi-structured in-depth interviews. After data analysis, various themes enabled the authors to understand the purchase journey of who purchases these products. The study ascertained that the recommendations made by friends and family members play a critical role in selecting a personal care product. This product line’s critical touch points are the retail stores organized and unorganized, salons, and other outlets. Customers often consume online information about these products to familiarize themselves with the product features and design before buying it from the local convenience store. The study provides insights to marketers about the consumers’ thoughts while purchasing such products. This information can be used while planning the marketing and sales promotion of the product. The study’s findings provide a framework of the consumer purchase journey and a behavior model that brands can better understand their customers. This study ascertains the consumers’ journey in selecting a personal care product, through the consumers’ lenses. The study will enable marketers to arrive at new product ideas that can cater to the target segment.


Namrata Surana, Aradhana Gandhi. Analysis of the Consumer Purchase Behavior of Personal Care Products in a Developing Country. Cardiometry; Issue 23; August 2022; p.718-727; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.23.718727; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Consumer purchase behavior,  Personal care,  Marketing,  Purchase journey,  Skin and hair care
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